Hilltop High School Library

Home of the Literate Lancers


SHMOOP is an online learning tool for students and teachers. For students, you have access to:

  • A personal Shmoop account for each student
  • Access to practice exams, drill problems, and review guides to test topics
  • Practice problems with immediate feedback, in-depth explanations, and projected scores
  • Hundreds of Learning Guides for Literature, U.S. History, Pre-Algebra, Careers, an Essay Lab, and College 101
  • Test Prep for the SAT, ACT and AP Exams
  • Use the “College and Beyond” tab to get detailed information about careers, financial aid, scholarships, writing college essays, and college life

Read the following directions and then click here to sign in for free!

You already have an account so you DO NOT need to create one. You can use the same login information every year.

If you do need to create an account, the student magic word is VISTA (all caps).


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